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Announcing STEP File Content Verification Support for the Cloudmersive Virus API
1/25/2024 - Brian O'Neill

lock with arrows pointing both ways

We’re pleased to announce our newest Cloudmersive Virus API (v8-5-4) update release has incorporated support for STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) files.

STEP files (i.e., those with .STEP or .STP extensions) scanned through the Virus API will now undergo content verification checks to ensure 1) these files' contents rigorously conform to STEP file standards, and 2) these files do not host various hidden threats including scripts, executables, external links, and other potentially malicious content.

The Cloudmersive Virus API offers 360-degree content protection. That starts with virus and malware scanning and extends to full in-depth content verification for executables, invalid files, scripts, password protected files, macros, XML external entities, insecure deserialization, HTML contents, unsafe archives, OLE embedded objects, and PDFs with JavaScript/HTML enabled.

For more information on the Cloudmersive Virus API, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our sales team.

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